Tax season officially started on January 28.
…cue hair pulling and pillow screaming…
Okay, maybe that’s over-exaggerating just a bit. But we’re sure you’ve had moments during tax season where you feel like pulling your hair out and screaming into your pillow.
As an accountant, it’s no secret that this time of the year is extremely busy and stressful for you. As such, we’ve developed your tax season survival checklist to get you through the highs and lows.
Survival Checklist:
Block out time for yourself and your family.
Set aside scheduled time each day where you don’t meet with clients, take phone calls, or check your email. Everyone needs a refresh, so use this time to do some of the things you enjoy. It’ll give your brain a mental break, recharging you to take on whatever lies ahead.
Delegate work.
Whether it’s simple administrative tasks or entering basic information on tax returns, assigning small time savers here and there to colleagues can help remove unnecessary stress. Your teammates are there to support you so don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Work with people you enjoy.
You don’t have to take on rude clients. First impressions are everything. So do your best to gauge potential clients from your first initial meeting. Do they seem impatient? Over-demanding? Or maybe they’re short with you. Use these warnings as indicators that they aren’t a good fit.
Don’t work past 8 p.m.
You need a good night’s rest to be ready to take on the day. This time of the year may call for long hours and working weekends, but get in the routine of logging off and shutting down before 8 p.m. in order to give your body the time it needs to rest.
Set expectations early on.
Setting expectations is great for your clients. But it’s also good for you. You know your breaking point, so make sure you don’t cross it. Give yourself realistic deadlines, and make your clients aware of your standards upfront so there are no surprises.
Use technology to your advantage.
Technology is here to stay, so you may as well leverage the convenience of it. Technology allows you to work from home (if you have a secure VPN) so you’re not spending long nights at the office. You can also go paperless, which offers a whole new world of convenience.
Take care of yourself.
Don’t work through your lunch. Go on a short walk to regroup. Stop for your morning cup of coffee. Get your cardio in. Do the little things that bring you joy. Because if there’s one way to combat the stress of the season, it’s by remembering to live.
This too shall pass. So go kick some tax butt! And remember: We’re here to protect your business… every step of the way.
P.S. Looking for ways to boost your mood and fight stress during tax season? We have you covered there, too.