5 Blogs to Bolster Your Accounting Career

5 Blogs to Bolster Your Accounting Career

Read to succeed.

What do marijuana, busy season, Uber, and auditing all have in common? Well, not a whole lot, unless you really stretch your imagination. However, we’re turning to five excellent accounting blogs to cover these timely topics.

Read on and find answers to the following questions:

  1. What tax advice should you give Uber and Lyft drivers?
  2. Are there auditing advantages for public companies located close to IRS offices?
  3. When it’s time to pay taxes, how do marijuana dispensaries handle their abundance of cash?
  4. What’s the most effective way to evaluate your firm’s performance after busy season ends?
  5. How do you attract the ideal clients for your firm?

1. Uber (and Lyft) Drivers’ Tax Tips and Strategies


Uber and Lyft use very non-traditional organizational structures. In this article, CPA Gordon McNamee guides tax professionals through the ins and outs of advising Uber and Lyft drivers.

2. Does Proximity to an IRS Office Increase Audit Risk?


The short answer to this question is “yes.” But as AccountingWEB’s Terry Sheridan explores the results of this Journal of Accounting and Economics study, you’ll find a compelling (and more detailed) explanation.

3. IRS goes green: Hashing out payments from the marijuana industry

Accounting Today

Most of the companies within the marijuana industry owe the IRS huge payments, because they generally conduct business with physical currency. Read this post from Ranica Arrowsmith (Accounting Today) to see how the IRS has updated their technology and created new processes to address the marijuana industry’s tax complications.

4. Now’s the Time to Take a Long, Hard Look at Busy Season

Going Concern

After your busy season ends, it’s ok to hit the golf course or take a cruise to Aruba. But before you dust off your clubs or break out your bathing suit, make sure to grade your firm’s performance. In this Going Concern blog, Marsha Leest highlights nine key areas you should review after filing season has come and gone.

5. 5 Strategies to Attract Ideal Clients for Your Practice

Firm of the Future

Rebecca Kelley from Firm of the Future lays out a five-point road map to find the clients who perfectly fit your accounting firm.

Share Your Thoughts

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This article is for general information purposes only.

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Reducing Your Risk of a Claim

From fluctuating market conditions to demanding clients, real estate professionals face various types of challenges every day. But among these challenges, the risk of a claim is one of the most concerning. Claims can arise from a multitude of things—misunderstandings,

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